Stephen Robert Crosby




SPEAKING: Religion Topics

1. “Sharing God? Judaism, Christianity, Islam: Common Ground and Divergence” , six sessions. This series is based on material from the Awareness Foundation in London. Session topics include: essential, historical and cultural aspects of the three monotheistic “Abrahamic” faiths; the rise and challenge of secularism and fundamentalism; fear and faith in change; a proposed paradigm shift beyond tolerance, course conclusions and personal next steps. Note: license purchase is necessary for this course.

2. “Reaching Across the Divide: A Dialogue On Current Issues In Our Multi-Faith World”, six sessions. This series explores faith as a relevant, powerful, ascendant societal and global force in our world today. Will religion continue to be a conflict source or a path to peaceful solution within the Abrahamic family? What is the way forward: ecumenism, pluralism, secularism, fundamentalism, evangelism, syncretism? Audio and video clips from interfaith leaders and journalists, including an Oscar-nominated documentary will highlight issues and contextualize discussion. What role can we each play in this critical, evolving drama?

3. “Dramatic Encounters: Reading Great Plays of Faith” , six sessions. This series explores the diverse faith messages of seven playwrights. Selections include Broadway hits, Biblical retellings with new twists and insight, an irreverent spoof and high drama cliffhangers. In addition to pre-reading, there will be some in-session scene reading, all to enhance the quality of discussion.

4. “Illuminating Words of Faith with Music and Dance” ,  three to six sessions depending on time and structure. This audio/video lecture series explores faith texts as interpreted by master composers and choreographers. The works include the Bach St. Matthew Passion, the Faure Requiem, the Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms, the Mozart Requiem, and for a change of pace, Negro Spirituals. Selections will focus on how the musicians and choreographers enhance the texts and spiritual messages.